Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 4

I'm posting Day 4 today because there was hardly any time at all last night to post this! Man what a new place I'm in! Yesterday was the day we left our Best Western hotel and moved to Borderlinks. I'm not really sure how to describe Borderlinks. It's a small building, not in the middle of nowhere even though that's definitely where I thought it was! Where we live is basically in this giant living room with these walls put up to make "rooms" which are extremely tiny and fit four beds. There's no closet and no dressers to put our clothes in so we will be living out of our suitcases for the next 10 days! Originally it was supposed to be Amelie, Tammy and me in a room and then Ana Sofia and Shahd in a room, but we found out that the boys weren't going to get to have beds last night so we being the kind girls that we are decided to give them one of our rooms for the night. That meant all five girls in one room, and all five boys in the other. It was quite the experience, I must say! It was also especially amusing that two of the boys were going to have to share a bed with one blanket and one pillow.
 Oh I forgot to mention the best part about this place (note: sarcasm); every meal is vegetarian! Now for those of you that know me fairly well, you should know exactly how well this is going to go over. It's honestly not that bad of a place, it's just different to what I'm used to! So I guess we will see how easy it is for me to adapt to new circumstances!

Along with moving in yesterday, we also got to take a tour of the area we're going to be staying in. As I said before, we're not in the middle of nowhere like I originally thought so that made it better already. We're about a fifteen minute walk from a good part of downtown where there are a lot of cute cafes and this really yummy ice cream store that obviously we had to stop at and taste. We also had to do this activity yesterday where we had to draw what the border means to me. Once again, anyone who knows me should know that I DO NOT DRAW. I am perhaps the worst at drawing. Even my stick figures turn out horrible. So I ended up drawing a door. I suppose my meaning was a little depressing, but I was doing what the assignment was! To me, the border represents a closed door because all of these immigrants are trying to cross the border because they are looking for a better life, or rather, the American Dream. But the thing is, you never know what you'll find behind a closed door. The immigrants could find that better life, it's true, but there's also a chance that what they are going to find is poverty and all of the things that go along with that in America. So that's what the border means to me! Before dinner we went on another tour, this time to see some of the murals that are painted around the area. They were really beautiful and it was great to see just on some random street.
 It somehow made it more beautiful! Last night was a lot of fun because me and four of the guys decided to go see Lone Survivor after dinner. It was one of the best movies I've seen in a while! I was very impressed with the story and with the acting. All of us really enjoyed it. Then we came back to Borderlinks and since lights out was at 10, most people were in bed, asleep. That's why I couldn't do my blog last night! But have no fear, I will be smarter tonight and post it before lights out. We're going to doing some cool things today, including going to Arivaca, which is a small town about 2 hours away and it was also featured in the play we had to read before coming here. 

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