Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 14

It's hard to believe it's already been two weeks since we left for Arizona! We've done so much in such a short time it seems like we've been here forever! Unfortunately, today was our last day at Borderlinks. As skeptical as I was about it during the first couple days, I'm actually really going to miss this place. Today was Martin Luther King Jr. day so to start off we went to do some service. Our group was assigned to picking up trash in the assigned area. The thing was though, that there were too many people so our group was kind of just there. We picked up the trash that the other trash group forgot, and then our group leaders decided we didn't have to be there, so instead we went to a fair to celebrate the day! We got there around 12:00 so just in time for lunch. We ended up going to the Mexican food booth and most people got burritos, but I got a carne asada taco! It was delicious, as usual. We all sat in the shade under a tree and had a cute picnic!
 It was funny because at one point there were these two people who came around and tried to get us to sign something to show our support for Obama and his Immigration Reform policy. The thing was, his policy is trying to increase the security around the border so naturally, after all we've learned, we weren't going to sign that. But to make it better, Jorge and Alessandro started telling them everything about why they weren't signing. These two people didn't even know what Streamline was! They also said that Border Patrol is one of the smallest law enforcements and well, we all know that is the farthest thing from the truth. They actually seemed genuinely interested in what the guys were telling them though, Before leaving the fair, we went and got snow cones. I can't remember the last time I had a snow cone, but it tasted great!

After we got back, Borderlinks had actually already prepared us a lunch so some of us sat down and tried to eat some more. It was great though, because Tito brought out a guitar and played and sang for us! It was really great, but it was all Spanish songs so I didn't know any of them. Except for La Bamba. After lunch we had our final group reflection. We each told Maria about what we were doing for our final projects, and then we talked about what we remember most, what we did to cope with all the more emotional times, and what we can do in the future to make more people aware of what's going on. Then after group reflection, we went back to Gate's Pass for sunset! I thought Gate's Pass was beautiful before, but it was absolutely stunning at sunset.
 One of the most beautiful moments of my time here in Arizona. We went back for dinner, and then as a final outing as a group we went to a really good gelato place! Even our resident Italian was impressed with it! Then we just came back to Borderlinks for our last night here! We move back to the hotel tomorrow and start research for our final projects at University of Arizona. It'll be another busy few days before returning home!

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